= provision, requirement, state, status, stipulation, proviso, rider, condition, stamp, stripe, station in life.
Ex: Chapter 9 considered the provisions for selecting headings for added entries.
Ex: The most appropriate type of abstract must be chosen in accordance with the requirements of each individual application.
Ex: Before she could respond and follow up with a question about her distraught state, Feng escaped to the women's room.
Ex: AACR2 assigns this main entry status to the person who is chiefly responsible for the creation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work.
Ex: The city fathers endorsed this project with the stipulation that a librarian or "book-lover" should be available to assist patrons.
Ex: The term thesaurus will be used here to denote such lists, with the proviso that this is strictly speaking a misuse of the term.
Ex: This latter point is born out in a survey of the information needs of Californians, which, in affirming the existence of such needs, added the rider that Californians "do not always perceive these needs to be related to information".
Ex: He was laid upon the bed and upon examination his head was found in a terrible condition, swelled and bruised from the effect of sandbag blows.
Ex: The new heir apparent is probably a man of a very different stamp.
Ex: The field of computational linguistics is exciting insomuch as it permits linguists of different stripes to model language behaviour.
Ex: Each of us -- no matter what our politics, our religion, our race, or our station in life -- must search his conscience for the answer to that question.
* aceptar las condiciones = agree + terms.
* a condición de que + Subjuntivo = provided (that), providing (that), as long as.
* área del número normalizado y de las condiciones de adquisición = International Standard Book Number and terms of availability area, standard number and terms of availability area.
* bajo ciertas condiciones = under certain conditions.
* buena condición física = physical fitness.
* con condiciones especiales = strings attached.
* condición de búsqueda = search requirement.
* condición de estado = statehood.
* condición de estar apto para volar = airworthiness.
* condición deplorable = dismaying condition.
* condiciones = specifications, terms, terms and conditions, physical conditions, walks (of/in) life.
* condiciones ambientales = environmental conditions, ambient conditions.
* condiciones atmosféricas = atmospheric conditions.
* condiciones climáticas = climatic conditions.
* condiciones contractuales = terms and conditions.
* condiciones de adquisición = obtainability conditions.
* condiciones de adquisición y/o precio = terms of availability and/or price.
* condiciones de almacenamiento = storage conditions.
* condiciones de la licencia = licence terms, licence terms and conditions.
* condiciones del contrato de trabajo = terms of employment.
* condiciones de trabajo = working conditions.
* condiciones de uso = terms of use.
* condiciones de venta = terms of sale.
* condiciones de vida = living conditions.
* condiciones económicas = economic conditions.
* condiciones físicas = physical conditions.
* condiciones iguales para todos = level playing field.
* condiciones inhumanas = inhumane conditions.
* condiciones laborales = working conditions, occupational conditions, work conditions, work life.
* condiciones laborales de calidad = quality of work life (QWL).
* condiciones legales de uso = legal boilerplate.
* condiciones medioambientales = environmental conditions.
* condiciones metereológicas = weather conditions.
* condiciones sociales = walks (of/in) life.
* condición física = physical shape.
* condición humana = human nature.
* condición humana, la = human condition, the.
* condición previa = precondition [pre-condition].
* condición social = social condition, station in life.
* con la condición de que = on the understanding that, with the condition that, on the condition that.
* cumplir la condición de la búsqueda = match + request specification.
* cumplir las condiciones para = be eligible for.
* cumplir una condición = meet + condition, satisfy + condition, fill + requirement.
* daño producido por las condiciones ambientales = environmental damage.
* destrozo producido por las condiciones ambientales = environmental damage.
* en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
* en condiciones = decent.
* en condiciones de = in the position to.
* en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.
* en condiciones difíciles = under difficult conditions.
* en excelentes condiciones = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
* en igualdad de condiciones = other things being equal, all (other) things being equal, on equal terms, one of equals, ceteris paribus, in a tie, on an equal footing, on an equal basis.
* en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.
* en las mejores condiciones posibles = in the best possible conditions.
* en malas condiciones = in poor condition, in bad condition, in bad shape, in poor shape.
* establecer una condición = specify + requirement.
* estar en igualdad de condiciones con = be on (an) equal footing with.
* igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.
* imponer una condición = place + limitation.
* mantener la condición (de) = retain + Posesivo + status (as).
* mejora de las condiciones laborales = horizontal ladder.
* negociar condiciones = negotiate + terms.
* que reúne las condiciones = qualified.
* reunir las condiciones = fit + the bill.
* reunir las condiciones para = qualify for.
* reunir una serie de condiciones = meet + set of conditions.
* según sus propias condiciones = on + Posesivo + own terms, in + Posesivo + own terms.
* sin condiciones = unconditionally.
* sin condiciones especiales = with no strings attached.
* tratamiento por condiciones = condition approach.